Package 'rTRNG'

Title: Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via 'TRNG'
Description: Embeds sources and headers from Tina's Random Number Generator ('TRNG') C++ library. Exposes some functionality for easier access, testing and benchmarking into R. Provides examples of how to use parallel RNG with 'RcppParallel'. The methods and techniques behind 'TRNG' are illustrated in the package vignettes and examples. Full documentation is available in Bauke (2021) <>.
Authors: Riccardo Porreca [aut, cre], Roland Schmid [aut], Mirai Solutions GmbH [cph], Heiko Bauke [ctb, cph] (TRNG sources and headers)
Maintainer: Riccardo Porreca <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 4.23.1-2.9000
Built: 2025-02-13 06:00:22 UTC

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TRNG C++ library functionality exposed to R.


Tina's Random Number Generator Library (TRNG) is a state-of-the-art C++ pseudo-random number generator library for sequential and parallel Monte Carlo simulations ( It provides a variety of random number engines (pseudo-random number generators) and distributions. In particular, parallel random number engines provided by TRNG support techniques such as block-splitting and leapfrogging suitable for parallel algorithms. See ‘References’ for an introduction to the concepts and details around (parallel) random number generation.


Package rTRNG provides the R users with access to the functionality of the underlying TRNG C++ library in different ways and at different levels.

  • Base-R Random-like usage via TRNG.Random functions, for selecting and manipulating the current engine. This is the simplest and more immediate way for R users to use rTRNG.

  • Reference Objects wrapping the underlying C++ TRNG random number engines can be created and manipulated in OOP-style. This allows greater flexibility in using TRNG engines in R.

  • TRNG C++ library and headers are made available to other R projects and packages using C++.

    • Standalone C++ code sourced via sourceCpp can rely on the Rcpp::depends attribute to correctly set up building against rTRNG, with Rcpp::plugins(cpp11) enforcing the C++11 standard required by TRNG >= 4.22:

      // [[Rcpp::depends(rTRNG)]]
      // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
    • Creating an R package with C++ code using the TRNG library is achieved by LinkingTo: rTRNG in the DESCRIPTION file, adding importFrom(rTRNG, TRNG.Version) in the NAMESPACE file, and setting relevant linker flags (via LdFlags) and C++11 compilation (CXX_STD = CXX11) in Makevars[.win].

    • Note that C++ code using the TRNG library (sourced via Rcpp::sourceCpp or part of an R package) might fail on certain systems due to issues with building and linking against rTRNG. This is typically the case for macOS, and can generally be checked using check_rTRNG_linking.

See the package vignettes (browseVignettes("rTRNG")) for an overview and demos and refer to the examples in the documentation for further use cases.


Maintainer: Riccardo Porreca [email protected]


Other contributors:

  • Mirai Solutions GmbH [email protected] [copyright holder]

  • Heiko Bauke (TRNG sources and headers) [contributor, copyright holder]


Heiko Bauke, Tina's Random Number Generator Library, Version 4.23.1,

Stephan Mertens, Random Number Generators: A Survival Guide for Large Scale Simulations, 2009,

See Also

Useful links:

Check rTRNG linking.


Check whether C++ code using the TRNG library can be built and linked against rTRNG on the current system.


check_rTRNG_linking(silent = FALSE)



logical: should the report of error messages be suppressed?


A scalar logical with the result of the check. If FALSE, using the TRNG library from C++ code sourced via sourceCpp or part of an R package is not expected to work.

Default TRNG kind.


Return the name of the default TRNG random number engine.



Linker flags for rTRNG.


Output the linker flags required to build against rTRNG.




LdFlags is typically called from Makevars as

PKG_LIBS += $(shell ${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript -e "rTRNG::LdFlags()")

and from as

PKG_LIBS += $(shell "${R_HOME}/bin${R_ARCH_BIN}/Rscript.exe" -e "rTRNG::LdFlags()")


Returns NULL invisibly. The function is not called for its return value rather for the side effect of outputting the flags.

Binomial random numbers via TRNG.


Random number generation for the binomial distribution using the TRNG C++ library.


rbinom_trng(n, size, prob, engine = NULL, parallelGrain = 0L)



Number of observations.

size, prob

Parameters of the distribution, with the same meaning as in rbinom. Note however that only scalar values are accepted.


Optional TRNG engine object; if missing or NULL, the current engine controlled via TRNG.Random is used.


Optional argument controlling the parallel simulation of random variates (see ‘Parallel Simulation’ below for details).


Numeric vector of random variates generated with the given parameters. The length is determined by n.

Parallel Simulation

When a positive value of argument parallelGrain is supplied, random variates are simulated in parallel, provided a parallel random number engine is selected. This is done using RcppParallel via parallelFor, which uses the supplied parallelGrain to control the grain size (the number of threads being controlled by setThreadOptions). The grain size can greatly affect the overhead of performing the required block splitting jump operations and should be selected carefully. Note that TRNG guarantees the outcome of such parallel execution to be equivalent to a purely sequential simulation.

See Also

rbinom, TRNG.Engine, TRNG.Random.

Other TRNG distributions: rlnorm_trng(), rnorm_trng(), rpois_trng(), runif_trng()


## generate 10 random variates using the current TRNG engine
rbinom_trng(10, size = 1L, prob = 0.5)

## use a TRNG engine reference class object
r <- yarn2$new()
rbinom_trng(10, size = 1L, prob = 0.5, engine = r)

## generate 100k random variates in parallel, with 2 threads and 100 grain size
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 2L)
x_parallel <- rbinom_trng(100e3, size = 1L, prob = 0.5, parallelGrain = 100L)
x_serial <- rbinom_trng(100e3, size = 1L, prob = 0.5)
identical(x_serial, x_parallel)

Log-normal random numbers via TRNG.


Random number generation for the log-normal distribution using the TRNG C++ library.


rlnorm_trng(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, engine = NULL, parallelGrain = 0L)



Number of observations.

meanlog, sdlog

Parameters of the distribution, with the same meaning as in rlnorm. Note however that only scalar values are accepted.


Optional TRNG engine object; if missing or NULL, the current engine controlled via TRNG.Random is used.


Optional argument controlling the parallel simulation of random variates (see ‘Parallel Simulation’ below for details).


Numeric vector of random variates generated with the given parameters. The length is determined by n.

Parallel Simulation

When a positive value of argument parallelGrain is supplied, random variates are simulated in parallel, provided a parallel random number engine is selected. This is done using RcppParallel via parallelFor, which uses the supplied parallelGrain to control the grain size (the number of threads being controlled by setThreadOptions). The grain size can greatly affect the overhead of performing the required block splitting jump operations and should be selected carefully. Note that TRNG guarantees the outcome of such parallel execution to be equivalent to a purely sequential simulation.

See Also

rlnorm, TRNG.Engine, TRNG.Random.

Other TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng(), rnorm_trng(), rpois_trng(), runif_trng()


## generate 10 random variates using the current TRNG engine
rlnorm_trng(10, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)

## use a TRNG engine reference class object
r <- yarn2$new()
rlnorm_trng(10, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, engine = r)

## generate 100k random variates in parallel, with 2 threads and 100 grain size
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 2L)
x_parallel <- rlnorm_trng(100e3, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, parallelGrain = 100L)
x_serial <- rlnorm_trng(100e3, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
identical(x_serial, x_parallel)

Normal random numbers via TRNG.


Random number generation for the normal distribution using the TRNG C++ library.


rnorm_trng(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, engine = NULL, parallelGrain = 0L)



Number of observations.

mean, sd

Parameters of the distribution, with the same meaning as in rnorm. Note however that only scalar values are accepted.


Optional TRNG engine object; if missing or NULL, the current engine controlled via TRNG.Random is used.


Optional argument controlling the parallel simulation of random variates (see ‘Parallel Simulation’ below for details).


Numeric vector of random variates generated with the given parameters. The length is determined by n.

Parallel Simulation

When a positive value of argument parallelGrain is supplied, random variates are simulated in parallel, provided a parallel random number engine is selected. This is done using RcppParallel via parallelFor, which uses the supplied parallelGrain to control the grain size (the number of threads being controlled by setThreadOptions). The grain size can greatly affect the overhead of performing the required block splitting jump operations and should be selected carefully. Note that TRNG guarantees the outcome of such parallel execution to be equivalent to a purely sequential simulation.

See Also

rnorm, TRNG.Engine, TRNG.Random.

Other TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng(), rlnorm_trng(), rpois_trng(), runif_trng()


## generate 10 random variates using the current TRNG engine
rnorm_trng(10, mean = 0, sd = 1)

## use a TRNG engine reference class object
r <- yarn2$new()
rnorm_trng(10, mean = 0, sd = 1, engine = r)

## generate 100k random variates in parallel, with 2 threads and 100 grain size
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 2L)
x_parallel <- rnorm_trng(100e3, mean = 0, sd = 1, parallelGrain = 100L)
x_serial <- rnorm_trng(100e3, mean = 0, sd = 1)
identical(x_serial, x_parallel)

Poisson random numbers via TRNG.


Random number generation for the Poisson distribution using the TRNG C++ library.


rpois_trng(n, lambda, engine = NULL, parallelGrain = 0L)



Number of observations.


Parameters of the distribution, with the same meaning as in rpois. Note however that only scalar values are accepted.


Optional TRNG engine object; if missing or NULL, the current engine controlled via TRNG.Random is used.


Optional argument controlling the parallel simulation of random variates (see ‘Parallel Simulation’ below for details).


Numeric vector of random variates generated with the given parameters. The length is determined by n.

Parallel Simulation

When a positive value of argument parallelGrain is supplied, random variates are simulated in parallel, provided a parallel random number engine is selected. This is done using RcppParallel via parallelFor, which uses the supplied parallelGrain to control the grain size (the number of threads being controlled by setThreadOptions). The grain size can greatly affect the overhead of performing the required block splitting jump operations and should be selected carefully. Note that TRNG guarantees the outcome of such parallel execution to be equivalent to a purely sequential simulation.

See Also

rpois, TRNG.Engine, TRNG.Random.

Other TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng(), rlnorm_trng(), rnorm_trng(), runif_trng()


## generate 10 random variates using the current TRNG engine
rpois_trng(10, lambda = 4)

## use a TRNG engine reference class object
r <- yarn2$new()
rpois_trng(10, lambda = 4, engine = r)

## generate 100k random variates in parallel, with 2 threads and 100 grain size
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 2L)
x_parallel <- rpois_trng(100e3, lambda = 4, parallelGrain = 100L)
x_serial <- rpois_trng(100e3, lambda = 4)
identical(x_serial, x_parallel)

Uniform random numbers via TRNG.


Random number generation for the uniform distribution using the TRNG C++ library.


runif_trng(n, min = 0, max = 1, engine = NULL, parallelGrain = 0L)



Number of observations.

min, max

Parameters of the distribution, with the same meaning as in runif. Note however that only scalar values are accepted.


Optional TRNG engine object; if missing or NULL, the current engine controlled via TRNG.Random is used.


Optional argument controlling the parallel simulation of random variates (see ‘Parallel Simulation’ below for details).


Numeric vector of random variates generated with the given parameters. The length is determined by n.

Parallel Simulation

When a positive value of argument parallelGrain is supplied, random variates are simulated in parallel, provided a parallel random number engine is selected. This is done using RcppParallel via parallelFor, which uses the supplied parallelGrain to control the grain size (the number of threads being controlled by setThreadOptions). The grain size can greatly affect the overhead of performing the required block splitting jump operations and should be selected carefully. Note that TRNG guarantees the outcome of such parallel execution to be equivalent to a purely sequential simulation.

See Also

runif, TRNG.Engine, TRNG.Random.

Other TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng(), rlnorm_trng(), rnorm_trng(), rpois_trng()


## generate 10 random variates using the current TRNG engine
runif_trng(10, min = 0, max = 1)

## use a TRNG engine reference class object
r <- yarn2$new()
runif_trng(10, min = 0, max = 1, engine = r)

## generate 100k random variates in parallel, with 2 threads and 100 grain size
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 2L)
x_parallel <- runif_trng(100e3, min = 0, max = 1, parallelGrain = 100L)
x_serial <- runif_trng(100e3, min = 0, max = 1)
identical(x_serial, x_parallel)

TRNG random number engines.


Reference Classes exposing random number engines (pseudo-random number generators) in the TRNG C++ library. Engine objects of a class engineClass are created as r <- engineClass$new(...), and a method m is invoked as x$m(...). The engine object r can be then used for generating random variates via any of the r<dist>_trng functions (e.g., runif_trng), specifying the optional argument engine = r.


Parallel random number engines

lcg64, lcg64_shift, mrg2, mrg3, mrg3s, mrg4, mrg5, mrg5s, yarn2, yarn3, yarn3s, yarn4, yarn5, yarn5s.

Conventional random number engines

lagfib2plus_19937_64, lagfib2xor_19937_64, lagfib4plus_19937_64, lagfib4xor_19937_64, mt19937_64, mt19937.



Construct a random engine object using default seed and internal parameters.


Construct a random engine object with default internal parameters using the provided seed.


Construct a random engine object restoring its internal state and parameters from a character string, falling back to $new() for empty strings. See method $toString().



Use the scalar integer seed to set the engine's internal state.


Advance by steps the internal state of the engine. Applies to parallel engines only.

$split(p, s)

Update the internal state and parameters of the engine for generating directly the sth of p subsequences, with s in [1, p], producing one element every s starting from the pth. Applies to parallel engines only.

$name(), $kind()

Return the name of the random number engine (e.g., "yarn2"), also referred to as kind in rTRNG similarly to base R.


Return a character representation of the engine's internal state and parameters.


Specialization of the generic method for Reference Classes, ensuring the underlying C++ engine object is properly copied.


Specialization of the generic show, displaying $toString() (truncated to 80 characters).


Return a two-element character vector with elements $kind() and $toString(), suitable for use in TRNG.Random.seed (and by a possible function returning an engine object given a TRNG.Random.seed).


The TRNG C++ library provides a collection of random number engines (pseudo-random number generators). In particular, compared to conventional engines working in a purely sequential manner, parallel engines can be manipulated via jump and split operations. Jumping allows to advance the internal state by a number of steps without generating all intermediate states, whereas split operations allow to generate directly a subsequence obtained by decimating the original sequence. Please consult the TRNG C++ library documentation (see ‘References’) for an introduction to the concepts and details around (parallel) random number generation and engines, including details about the state size and period of the TRNG generators.

Random number engines from the C++ TRNG library are exposed to R using Rcpp Modules. As a consequence, the arguments to all Constructors and Methods above are not passed by name but by order. Moreover, arguments and return values are both defined in terms of C++ data types. Details can be displayed via the standard Reference Class documentation method $help (e.g., yarn2$help(split)).

Most of the Methods above are simple wrappers of analogous methods in the corresponding C++ class provided by the TRNG library. A few differences/details are worth being mentioned.

  • Argument s of the split method is exposed to R according to R's 1-based indexing, thus in the [1, p] interval, whereas the TRNG C++ implementation follows C++ 0-based indexing, thus allowing values in [0, p-1].

  • Constructor new(string) and method toString() rely on streaming operators >> and << available for all C++ TRNG classes.

  • TRNG C++ random number engine objects are copy-constructible and assignable, whereas their R counterparts in rTRNG are purely reference-based. In particular, as for any R Reference Object, engines are not copied upon assignment but via the $copy() method.

Random number engines details

Parallel engines


Linear congruential generator with modulus 2642^{64}.


Linear congruential generator with modulus 2642^{64} and bit-shift transformation.

mrg2, mrg3, mrg4, mrg5

Multiple recurrence generators based on a linear feedback shift register sequence with prime modulus 23112^{31}-1.

mrg3s, mrg5s

Multiple recurrence generators based on a linear feedback shift register with Sophie-Germain prime modulus.

yarn2, yarn3, yarn4, yarn5

YARN generators based on the delinearization of a linear feedback shift register sequence with prime modulus 23112^{31}-1.

yarn3s, yarn5s

YARN generators based on the delinearization of a linear feedback shift register sequence with Sophie-Germain prime modulus.

Conventional engines

lagfib2plus_19937_64, lagfib4plus_19937_64

Lagged Fibonacci generator with 2 or 4 feedback taps and addition.

lagfib2xor_19937_64, lagfib4xor_19937_64

Lagged Fibonacci generator with 2 or 4 feedback taps and exclusive-or operation.


Mersenne-Twister generating 32 random bit.


Mersenne-Twister generating 64 random bit.


Heiko Bauke, Tina's Random Number Generator Library, Version 4.23.1,

See Also

ReferenceClasses, TRNG.Random.

TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng, rlnorm_trng, rnorm_trng, rpois_trng, runif_trng.


## Class yarn2 used in the examples below can be replaced by any other TRNG
## engine class (only of a parallel kind for jump and split examples).

## basic constructor with default internal state (and parameters)
r <- yarn2$new()
## show the internal parameters and state
## return internal parameters and state as character string

## seed the random number engine
## construct with given initial seed
s <- yarn2$new(117)
identical(s$toString(), r$toString())

## construct from string representation
s <- yarn2$new(r$toString()) # implicitly creates a copy
identical(s$toString(), r$toString())
s <- yarn2$new("") # same as yarn2$new()
identical(s$toString(), yarn2$new()$toString())
## Not run: 
  ## error if the string is not a valid representation
  s <- yarn2$new("invalid")

## End(Not run)

## copy vs. reference
r_ref <- r # reference to the same engine object
r_cpy <- r$copy() # copy an engine
identical(r_cpy$toString(), r$toString())
rbind(c(runif_trng(4, engine = r), runif_trng(6, engine = r_ref)),
      runif_trng(10, engine = r_cpy))

## jump (and draw from reference)
runif_trng(10, engine = r_cpy)
r_ref$jump(7) # jump 7 steps ahead
runif_trng(3, engine = r) # jump has effect on the original r

## split
r_cpy <- r$copy()
runif_trng(10, engine = r)
r_cpy$split(5, 2) # every 5th element starting from the 2nd
runif_trng(2, engine = r_cpy)

## seed, jump and split can be used in c(...) as they return NULL
r <- yarn2$new()
r_cpy <- r$copy()
runif_trng(10, engine = r)
  r_cpy$jump(2), runif_trng(2, engine = r_cpy),
  r_cpy$split(3,2), runif_trng(2, engine = r_cpy))

## TRNG engine name/kind

## use $.Random.seed() to set the current engine (as a copy)

TRNG random number generation.


The functions below allow setting and manipulating the current TRNG random number engine (pseudo-random number generator), similar to base-R Random. The current engine is then used for generating random variates via any of the r<dist>_trng functions (e.g., runif_trng).

TRNGkind allows to query or set the kind of TRNG engine in use. See ‘Random number engines details’ for the available engines.

TRNGseed specifies the seed for the current engine.

If the current engine is of a parallel kind, TRNGjump advances its internal state without generating all intermediate steps.

If the current engine is of a parallel kind, TRNGsplit updates its internal state and parameters in order to generate directly a subsequence obtained by decimation, producing every sth element starting from the pth.

TRNG.Random.seed allows to get a full representation of the current state of the engine in use, and to restore the current engine from such representation.


TRNGkind(kind = NULL)



TRNGsplit(p, s)




Character string or NULL. If kind is not NULL, it defines the TRNG random number engine to be used. Use "default" for the rTRNG default kind ("yarn2").


Scalar integer seed, determining the internal state of the current engine.


Number of steps to jump ahead.


Number of subsequences to split the engine by.


Index of the desired subsequence between 1 and p.


Optional two-element character vector c(kind, state), where the second element is a character representation of the current engine's internal state and parameters.


TRNGkind returns the TRNG kind selected before the call, invisibly if argument kind is not NULL.

TRNG.Random.seed() called with no arguments returns a two-element character vector c(kind, state) fully representing the current state of the engine in use. When argument engspec = c(kind, state) is provided, it is used to set an engine of the given kind with internal state and parameters restored from state.


The TRNG C++ library provides a collection of random number engines (pseudo-random number generators). In particular, compared to conventional engines working in a purely sequential manner, parallel engines can be manipulated via jump and split operations. Jumping allows to advance the internal state by a number of steps without generating all intermediate states, whereas split operations allow to generate directly a subsequence obtained by decimating the original sequence. Please consult the TRNG C++ library documentation (see ‘References’) for an introduction to the concepts and details around (parallel) random number generation and engines, including details about the state size and period of the TRNG generators.

The current engine is an instance of one TRNG engine class provided by rTRNG, and is stored as "TRNGengine" global option. If not explicitly set via TRNGkind, an engine of default kind is implicitly created upon the first call to any TRNG* or r<dist>_trng function. Note that the current engine is not persistent across R sessions. Function TRNG.Random.seed can be used to extract and restore the current engine and its internal state.

Random number engines details

Parallel engines


Linear congruential generator with modulus 2642^{64}.


Linear congruential generator with modulus 2642^{64} and bit-shift transformation.

mrg2, mrg3, mrg4, mrg5

Multiple recurrence generators based on a linear feedback shift register sequence with prime modulus 23112^{31}-1.

mrg3s, mrg5s

Multiple recurrence generators based on a linear feedback shift register with Sophie-Germain prime modulus.

yarn2, yarn3, yarn4, yarn5

YARN generators based on the delinearization of a linear feedback shift register sequence with prime modulus 23112^{31}-1.

yarn3s, yarn5s

YARN generators based on the delinearization of a linear feedback shift register sequence with Sophie-Germain prime modulus.

Conventional engines

lagfib2plus_19937_64, lagfib4plus_19937_64

Lagged Fibonacci generator with 2 or 4 feedback taps and addition.

lagfib2xor_19937_64, lagfib4xor_19937_64

Lagged Fibonacci generator with 2 or 4 feedback taps and exclusive-or operation.


Mersenne-Twister generating 32 random bit.


Mersenne-Twister generating 64 random bit.


Heiko Bauke, Tina's Random Number Generator Library, Version 4.23.1,

See Also

TRNG distributions: rbinom_trng, rlnorm_trng, rnorm_trng, rpois_trng, runif_trng.


## TRNG kind of the current engine
## set a specific TRNG kind
## Not run: 
  ## error if kind is not valid

## End(Not run)
## set the deafult TRNG kind

## seed the current random number engine

## full representation of the current state of the engine in use
s <- TRNG.Random.seed()

## draw 10 random variates using the current engine

## restore the engine and its internal state

## jump and draw the last 3 variates out of the 10 above
TRNGjump(7) # jump 7 steps ahead

## restore the internal state, split and draw every 5th element starting from
## the 2nd
TRNGsplit(5, 2)

## TRNGseed, TRNGjump and TRNGsplit can be combined with r<dist>_trng in c(...)
## as they return NULL
  TRNGjump(2), runif_trng(2),
  TRNGsplit(3,2), runif_trng(2))

TRNG library version.


Return the version of the TRNG C++ library embedded in the rTRNG package.

